Community Solar for Non-Profits
Utilize clean energy savings to further fund your cause, to serve those who need it most
- Reduce your CO2 footprint
- Hit your sustainability targets
- Enjoy effortless, clean energy savings to further fund your cause
- Power the local economy and help create jobs
PureSky works with non-profit organizations to help reduce their carbon footprint and enjoy clean energy savings on their operating costs, so they can stay focused on their mission of supporting those in need.
Join the Energy Revolution
Community solar is increasingly recognized as an ideal solution for non-profit enterprises looking to reach sustainability targets via effortless clean energy savings, so you can stay focused on their mission of supporting those in need.
No upfront costs
No roof required
Guaranteed savings
Cancel at any time
Affinity Programs: Extending Decarbonization
In addition to assisting in net zero targets of the operation, PureSky is now offering to extend exclusive access to clean, renewable energy to our offtakers' employees.
Through the PureSky Community Solar program, offtaker's employees can tap into a reserved capacity and participate in the drive towards net zero targets.
Program Support
- Communications Support– introduction to the program, custom landing page, FAQ’s, clear instructions on how to participate
- Awareness support with creative assets – digital and print form options to engage with employees in your established communications channels (intranet, newsletters, common areas etc)
- For each employee that signs up to the Community Solar program, PureSky will donate $75 to a charity of your choice and provide the employee with a $50 gift card.
Employee Benefits
- Reduction in energy costs
- Active participation in decarbonization
- Reports & education on the impact of the reduction in carbon
Estimate your savings.
What's your average monthly electric bill?
Annual kWh:
0.00 -
Annual Savings:
0.00 -
Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies:
Pounds of Coal Burned:
Gallons of Gas:
Annual kWh estimate is based on your average monthly bill amount, using 2022 U.S. data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). All Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies are based on the electricity use avoided through supporting renewable energy and the EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator. Savings based on a 10% discount. Exact discounts and savings may vary.
Evolving Net Zero Landscape
Scope 1, 2 & 3 Emissions are inclusive of direct, operations related and supply chain emissions. With the advent of “work from home” becoming more prevalent and companies reducing their office footprint, many experts are pushing for Scope four to include the emissions generated from work from home for non front line employees.
Direct emissions
Company-owned buildings and equipment
Indirect emissions
Company-used electricity and energy generation
Other indirect emissions
Supply chain, employee travel and embodied carbon
Employee emissions
Employee commuting, energy footprint and waste
Companies worldwide are committing to Net Zero Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions based on the pre-pandemic established Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions classification.
Community Engagement
In addition to reducing carbon emissions, we believe renewable energy
can also help to build stronger local communities.
At PureSky, we aim to deliver ongoing social benefits throughout the lifetime of each project. Our dedicated development teams work in collaboration with local stakeholders to get a better understanding of unique needs, environmental concerns, and a history of the communities in which we operate. With our long-term commitment to our renewable energy projects, we are able to be a trusted partner and community member.

With climate change posing such an urgent risk, we believe education is the key to solving tomorrow’s environmental challenges.
In the regions where we operate our community and utility-scale solar farms, we support school renewable energy education programs with field trips, workshops, and student learning activities. These initiatives help students to understand the unique benefits of renewables and promote sustainability in their local areas. In New York alone we have committed more than $200,000 in the form of donations or scholarships to primary and secondary institutions.

We strive to create new pathways for the next generation to forge careers in clean energy.
To achieve this, we’ve funded a number of scholarships in green STEM fields to help high school students advance their education and become tomorrow’s environmental leaders.

PureSky Energy Provides $100,000 Endowed Scholarship for the University of Rochester
The University of Rochester has subscribed to six of PureSky’s solar farms in Upstate New York, and will receive financial credits as a result of the clean, renewable energy generated by the farms.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits?
Community solar gives you all the benefits of solar energy without the hassle of installing rooftop solar. When enrolling in community solar, you are guaranteed to save money with no up-front costs or hidden fees!
You are also supporting your local economy by helping to create local jobs and tax revenue.
How does billing work?
You will continue to receive a bill from your current utility provider. Your community solar credits generated by the solar farm will be applied directly on your utility bill. In most areas, we will send you a separate bill for the solar credits you received at a discounted rate. In some areas, your utility provider will credit your solar savings to your utility bill and remit payment directly to us so you will not need to pay us separately. We offer autopay options to all customers so you will never have to waste time paying an extra bill, saving is that simple!
How does it lower my energy costs?
Your share of the solar farm earns you solar credits as the farm generates power. For example, let’s say your portion of the farm generates $100 worth of electricity. If your discount rate is 10%, you would pay us $90 and for the $100 solar credit received, reducing your overall cost by 10%, all while supporting renewable energy.
How do I know if I'm eligible?
Eligibility is largely determined by your location and your utility provider. Renters, owners, small business, municipalities, etc., are all eligible to participate in a community solar!
Or contact us, we would be happy to do this for you!
How do I enroll?
Once we confirm your eligibility, we will analyze your home's usage, determine your subscription rate and sign you up. Easy as that!
What if I move or need to cancel?
Often times, your solar subscription can move with you, we want you to continue to save money in your new home!
If for any reason we can't move your subscription to your new home, we ask that you refer a potential customer to take over your savings from the solar farm.
An early termination fee may apply in some markets.
Does this mean I no longer receive power from my local utility or do I need to switch my energy supplier?
No, you will not be switching utility companies. By signing up for community solar, you will receive the community solar benefits directly on your current utility bill.
How is my subscription size determined and what if my usage changes?
Our Community Solar Specialists analyze your annual electricity usage and use this to determine the appropriate subscription rate. We understand your electricity needs may change and can adjust your subscription to maximize your savings at any time.
How does seasonality affect solar and the credits I receive?
The sun plays a big role in your savings!
In the summer, when the solar farm produces the most you will receive more solar savings. As we move into the winter months the solar farm will start to produce less. Meaning any extra community solar credits received in the summer, will be saved to use in the winter. Think of this as pre-paying for your electricity (at a discounted rate) in the summer to use in the winter.
How much does it cost to sign up?
No Cost to sign up, this is purely a savings program!