Subscribing to one of our PureSky's Community Solar farms, reserves a share of the panels, of which the production of clean energy earns you credits on your utility bill, bringing down your monthly energy expenses.
Step oneSign up and receive a share of the nearest solar farm. |
Step twoThe clean energy produced at the solar farm feeds into the local electricity grid. |
Step threeYour utility company applies clean energy credits to your account, reducing your monthly utility bill. |
Community Solar

No upfront costs
No roof required
Guaranteed savings
Cancel at any time
Estimate your savings.
What's your average monthly electric bill?
Annual Savings:
0.00 -
20 Year Savings
0.00 -
Avoided annual kWh CO2 equivalent
Avoided Pounds of Coal Burned
Gallons of gasoline avoided
Annual kWh estimate is based on your average monthly bill amount, using 2022 U.S. data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). All Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies are based on the electricity use avoided through supporting renewable energy and the EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator. Savings based on a 10% discount. Exact discounts and savings may vary.
Community Solar
Over two-thirds of Americans are unable to install solar panels on their property. Subscribing to one of our community solar farms enables you to experience the benefits of solar energy, guaranteeing savings on your monthly utility bill, with no upfront cost or need to install anything on your roof. We also give you the freedom to cancel whenever you like, in the event you're moving or you get tired of saving money.
No upfront costs
No roof required
Guaranteed savings
Cancel at any time
Estimate your savings.
What's your average monthly electric bill?
Annual Savings:
0.00 -
20 Year Savings
0.00 -
Avoided annual kWh CO2 equivalent
Avoided Pounds of Coal Burned
Gallons of gasoline avoided
Annual kWh estimate is based on your average monthly bill amount, using 2022 U.S. data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). All Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies are based on the electricity use avoided through supporting renewable energy and the EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator. Savings based on a 10% discount. Exact discounts and savings may vary.
Join Our Community
Sign up today and join our community of over 5,000 Community Solar subscribers enjoying clean energy savings and powering change within their local community!