What Landowners Should Know Before Leasing for Energy Storage Solutions

As America moves toward energy independence, energy storage solutions play a critical role in strengthening our grid and ensuring a reliable power supply. For landowners, leasing property for energy storage offers a unique chance to boost local economies, support our nation’s energy security, and secure a steady income stream. Before signing a lease, there are important factors to consider to ensure this opportunity aligns with your values and goals. Here’s what you need to know:
1. Understand Energy Storage
Energy storage systems, like advanced battery facilities, store surplus energy from sources such as solar and wind. These systems provide power when demand is high or when renewables aren’t producing, helping to stabilize the grid and reduce reliance on foreign energy. Knowing how these systems work is key to understanding their value to your community and the country.
2. Evaluate Your Property’s Suitability
Not every piece of land is ideal for energy storage projects. PureSky looks for land that:
Is close to existing energy infrastructure, like substations or transmission lines.
- Adjacent to a solar site we have already developed.
Avoids environmental obstacles, such as wetlands or protected areas.
Provides adequate space for equipment and future expansion.
We lead a feasibility study that can determine if your land meets these criteria.
3. Understand Lease Terms
Energy storage lease agreements can vary, so it’s essential to review the terms carefully. Key considerations include:
Lease Duration: Agreements start at 20 years but with extensions that can extend it to 40 years. Ensure the timeline works for your family’s plans.
Compensation: Payments are typically structured as fixed annual rents. Evaluate this option based on your financial priorities.
Termination Clauses: Know the conditions under which either party can end the agreement.
4. Assess Environmental and Community Impact
Energy storage systems are generally low-impact, but it’s important to consider:
Land Use Changes: Construction and operation have very little impact on your land use, typically only leasing one-quarter to half an acre of land.
Noise and Aesthetics: Battery systems typically generate minimal noise and are secured with fencing.
Community Benefits: Storage contributes to local energy reliability and job creation.
5. Plan for Decommissioning
Your lease will include a plan for the end of the project’s lifecycle, including:
Equipment Removal: The developer’s responsibility to dismantle and dispose of systems.
Land Restoration: Steps to return the land to a mutually agreed-upon condition.
7. Why Trust PureSky Energy
We're a company with:
A proven history of successful projects.
A commitment to compliance with regulations.
Strong relationships with landowners and local communities.
Leasing your land for energy storage is an opportunity to support America’s energy independence, strengthen the local economy, and secure your financial future. With careful planning and due diligence, you can take part in building a resilient energy system that benefits both your family and our nation.
If you’re considering leasing your land, reach out to experienced developers who can walk you through the process and provide clarity on what to expect. Together, we can drive progress and prosperity for future generations.